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New deal for the cotton textile enterprises in Xinjiang
Source:Suzhou Lewan Needle textile Co., Ltd         Release time:2018-03-23
On September 17, I officially launched the pilot reform of the cotton price target, after the abolition of the temporary storage of cotton prices will once again and the market practice, the cotton price to get rid of the high "upside down" dilemma, the downstream side of the textile and garment industry will also usher in the development of new hope.
September 18th, Bazhou hundred benefits textile limited liability company general manager Guo Jian told reporters: "I have engaged in the textile industry for nearly 30 years, has not seen such a big price fluctuations this year." Over the years the price of cotton is cotton harvest after a month because of a large number of listed enterprises and the acquisition caused by price fluctuation. And earlier this year, the state decided to implement the reform of the cotton target price in Xinjiang announced that the price of cotton has been fluctuating irregularly. Recent supplier lint quote has dropped to 13800 yuan / tons, the company holds the to be listed a large number of this year cotton, cotton prices may be lower, companies are currently on the sidelines, price stability will start this year's procurement.
Bazhou hundred Hui textile limited liability company is a professional enterprise specialized in production of cotton yarn, because this year the government ahead of the release of the reform of the cotton price target signal. Many of the downstream enterprises have already smell the upstream cotton prices may reduce the opportunities, have called to book a product. Guo Jian said that some of the lower reaches of the company has a one-time reservation of 100 tons of cotton yarn, showing that this round of price cuts to the downstream industry is huge.
Guo believes that regardless of the next step of cotton prices will be what kind of change, the amplitude and the cotton price has entered enterprises are able to accept, delivered the prices to the market and in the preferential policies, textile and garment industry in Xinjiang formed scale is just around the corner.
Xinjiang Smythe record of textile science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a company engaged in garment and fabric production enterprises, as the cotton industry of downstream enterprises, they are also optimistic about the new cotton. Chen Xianzhao, director of the enterprise, said the price of raw materials will be convenient for the downstream enterprises to carry out cost control, improve their competitiveness, the company has a great help for new research and development. Raw material prices return to a reasonable interval, enterprises will get rid of current cost control means of competition, in turn invest mainly in the product quality competition, this is the development of the garment industry.
Bazhou ten Fang Tong Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. is a family settled in Yuli County Wei North Cotton Textile and agricultural and sideline products processing park of garment production enterprises. At present, the enterprises are speeding up the time to decorate workshop, for commissioning by the end of November. When it comes to cotton new deal, the company chairman Zhang Zhouyuan said happily: "I really came to the!" Zhang Zhouyuan colleagues, is Yuli County of preferential policies to attract and come, did not expect that the business a floor to catch up with the price of cotton system reform, which makes him to set up factories in Xinjiang is full of confidence.
Zhang Zhouyuan said cotton prices return to a reasonable range, reducing the cost of production of clothing, but reduced the production cost will not necessarily improve the product profit, now on the market tour prices of raw materials will reduce the linkage downstream products purchase price reduction. Garment industry as an extension of the cotton industry, cotton prices reduce will eventually reduce the operating costs of enterprises, but it will not increase the enterprise profit, want to increase profits, still need to rely on technology research and development and product innovation. But with a lower operating costs, companies engaged in new research and development on the basis of the. Regardless of how the price of cotton, as long as the market regulation by the market regulation, the enterprise can be based on market rules to avoid the risk of procurement, and promote long-term development of enterprises.
China cotton textile industry association president Zhu Beina said, from the perspective of industrial development, over the past three years, domestic procurement, cotton price and import price of cotton per ton, a difference of thousands of yuan, resulting in high production cost of domestic cotton textile companies, companies even if there is a good development space, in the pursuit of profit also have difficulty. This year, the national implementation of the cotton target price system of the cotton textile enterprises to the market, is very welcome.
Indeed, such as Zhu Beina said, new cotton formally implemented only one day, in Xinjiang's textile and garment enterprises already felt the cotton target price system is of great significance, remove the burden, regain the vitality and free development.
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Zhang Jingli
97 Yinhe Road, Southeast Development Zone, Changshu City
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