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Small and micro enterprises in the textile industry to survive difficult exploration
Source:Suzhou Lewan Needle textile Co., Ltd         Release time:2018-05-21
According to people's Daily reported, Suzhou, Jiangsu Shengze Town, with an annual output of all kinds of textiles billion meters, known as "clothing the world" is the vane of the national textile industry. However, this year, Shengze's textile business owners have some confusion.
August, Shengze Town Ma chamber of Commerce take the initiative to send a reminder notice, "this year, the textile enterprises are facing unprecedented difficulties, each enterprise to appropriate production, and reduce inventory." September, reflecting the full industry boom of Shengze silk fiber index from 110 in January last year, fell to less than 100, creating a new low in the past three years. "Lay dying, not shutdown slow death, is not this year's death, is next year die, small business anyway to die" pessimistic view of the prevailing.
To small and medium enterprises started in Shengze, ushered in a new transition.
Traditional peak season but suffered industry winter
Order reduction, shrinking profit margins and financial constraints to make business confidence
On October 14, the distance of the first Jiangsu Shengze textile fair only two days time, Shengze Town of textile enterprises boss Liu Hongwei is for can seek to a booth and troubles, which may is to reverse the last chance this year there has been a decline in the sales curve.
By convention, September is the traditional textile industry season, textile enterprises will the availability of raw materials, full machine. But this year's textile orders period, Liu Hongwei didn't dare to preparation, parts of the enterprise of the loom has been suspended, less usual machine full load operation of intense scenes.
"The traditional peak season of home textile fabrics generally from late September, but to the current order is still very little. Compared with the same period last year, the most important change is still in terms of price and profit." Liu Hongwei management of weaving enterprise main home textile fabrics. As the intermediate link of the industry chain, the fabric on the one hand, the enterprise by downstream traders to keep the prices down, prices fell overall; another this year since dyeing costs continued to rise, costs and increasing, "weaving enterprises in industry chain 'sandwich', industry is slightly adjusted, we profit atrophy is more obvious."
Not only the fabric of the enterprise, the spinning enterprise is also in a semi shutdown state. "I still lack the confidence of the market, half to stop and a half to open the market." Mr. Wu of the enterprises in the production of nylon filament, corporate pre shutdown after a month in September 3, try boot, boot load only in half. "Although the product price is still maintaining the level of the early, but the enterprise is still a serious loss, has lost millions of dollars."
In addition to order to reduce, downstream enterprise funds tension, long period of payment, and even capital strand breaks, also contributed to the industry in the end of the reason of lack of confidence in the enterprise. "Although the early accounts have been basically recovered, but the problem is still large, the downstream customer is still not good." After the restart, Mr. Wu on the downstream customers to implement a tough, no arrears measures, would rather not do, but also do not pick up the arrears of the list". For the afternoon, he was a bit pessimistic, if the situation is not good, in November may also be stopped."
Shengze Town Economic Development Bureau data show that from January to September, textile industry accounted for the proportion of industry super Jiucheng Shengze Town, industrial added value completed 96.2 billion yuan, down 8.21%, 523 million yuan of gross value of industrial output, down 15.5%. September Shengze silk and chemical fiber index slumped to less than 100, to create a new low in nearly three years, a considerable number of small and medium-sized fabric, spinning enterprises in a semi shutdown state, even many large enterprise also feel the chill. Huafu Knitting Co., Ltd., with annual sales of more than 20 billion yuan of high technology enterprise, chairman Shi Qingdao feeling, this year, many foreign trade orders decline in profits, the domestic orders, is to reduce the number of many, "had never encountered such a situation, the market adjustment period may to continue for a year or two."
Incremental cost of almost all the profits
Small size is not a problem, is the reason for the low-end products for more than
Liu Hongwei weaving factory, huge shop about only half of the machine in operation, several workers shuttle which, more intricately decorated with several parts, several empty boxes, in some places and a piece of stains. Shengze part of the production of small and micro enterprises in the status quo, from Liu Hongwei's business can be seen.
Small size and is not a problem, low grade is fatal injury. According to the introduction of Shengze Town Economic Development Bureau relevant staff, local more than 2500 textile enterprises, output value of more than billion yuan in the enterprise only nearly 80, the rest of the more than 2000 companies belonging to the small and micro enterprises, management is relatively extensive, innovation ability is generally not strong, mainly concentrated in the production of low-end manufacturing sectors. Therefore, in the industrial restructuring in the first encounter impact.
"The total tonnage of the ship of the textile industry in Shengze, looks very beautiful, but is mainly composed of many small junks. Storm to the original, not the risk." Liu Hongwei said.
As a low-end manufacturing link, Shengze weaving by the rising cost of production factors especially troubled. "Now every year the wages of workers are about 10%." Engaged in weaving enterprises of Mr. Wu told reporters that the company now has a staff of more than 600 people, according to the different types of work, wages are also different, such as weavers present monthly salary between 5300 yuan - 6000 yuan; maintenance workers in the current monthly salary in 10000 yuan of above. Compared with last year, the monthly salary of workers generally rose nearly two into. The incremental cost of labor has almost eaten up all the profits. "In addition, logistics, financing, environmental protection and other costs as well as the appreciation of the renminbi, is the need to face the challenges of enterprises."
The stock market a few years ago, the local textile enterprises dagankuaishang,
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Zhang Jingli
97 Yinhe Road, Southeast Development Zone, Changshu City
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