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Dyeing and Printing Industry Association published the new edition: industry access conditions
Source:Suzhou Lewan Needle textile Co., Ltd         Release time:2018-05-13

Not long ago, the newly revised "printing and dyeing industry access conditions" for printing and dyeing enterprises put forward higher admittance threshold and requirements. Access conditions in the enterprise layout, technology and equipment requirements, resource consumption, environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of resources requires more refinement. Then, proposed to increase the intensity of work of the requirements of the State Council executive meeting, to ensure the realization of "eleven five" energy saving and emission reduction targets.

After the "eleven five" 4 years of efforts, energy consumption per unit of GDP fell 14.38% cumulative, but with the "eleven five" the target of 20% reduction is still a big gap. Theexecutive meetings of the State Council made 8 requests for energy conservation and emission reduction targets, make this goal more solemn. Recently, concern the printing and dyeing industries and enterprises of the topic, the reporter interviewed relevant experts China dyeing and printing industry association.

What is the effective measures

"Printing and dyeing industry for nearly 3 years, has made great progress in the aspect of energy saving and emission reduction, both from a technology or management innovationhas greatly improved. This is not only the request of the government, but also the requirement of the development of printing and dyeing enterprises. Printing and dyeing industry is textile industrial energy consuming more water consumption industries, in recent years, printing and dyeing enterprises through energy saving, industry level has been greatly improved, the water reuse rate from the previous 10%, has increased to 20%, printing and dyeing enterprises good even reached 50%." Chinese dyeing and Printing Industry Association experts said.

In early 2007 June, Chinese dyeing and printing industry association will jointly to the 6provinces and cities of textile, printing and dyeing Association and the association of 20 large-scale backbone of printing and dyeing enterprises issued the "energy-saving emission reduction initiative", advocate the national printing and dyeing enterprisesshould take positive action, resolutely implement the provisions of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, to carry out energy-saving emission reduction work,cogent fulfil obligation, responsibility, do good energy-saving emission reduction, to complete the "eleven five" national and industry proposed energy-saving emission reduction targets. In 2007 ~2009 years, dyeing Association launched "Chinese printing and dyeing industry recommended advanced energy-saving emission reduction technology directory", a total of 3 batches of 91 advanced technologies. Recommended directory covers equipment, process technology, dyeing auxiliaries, waste water and steam treatment, resource recycling and other aspects. In 3 years, the promotion of a number of advanced and practical energy-saving emission reduction technology, improve the level of energy saving industry. Technology, light alkali recovery technology, rosinrecovery technology, sewage heat recovery technology used to condensed water cooling water. The selected directory technology is mature, practical, advanced, effective. In the third batch of recommended directory Changzhou Dongxia textile printing and dyeing Co. Ltd. "printing and dyeing wastewater treatment and water reuse technology" as an example, printing and dyeing effluent COD index decreased from original 1200mg/L to193mg/L, and then by the depth of treatment, further down to 36.85mg/L. The depth of the treated 50% water reuse, water 1000 tons to every day, throughout the year can becut 241.5 tons of ammonia, 241.5 tons of total phosphorus.

With consistent theme

Evaluation on resource consumption compared to 2008 and 2010 the newly revised"printing and dyeing industry access conditions" requirement in the new or expandedprojects: printing and dyeing, cotton, linen, chemical fiber and blended fabriccomprehensive energy consumption per 100 meters increased from less than 38kilograms of standard coal per 100 meters to less than 35 kilograms of standard coal;cotton, the existing printing and dyeing enterprises Ma, chemical fiber and blended fabriccomprehensive energy consumption per 100 meters by more than 54 kg of standard coalper 100 meters increased to more than 42 kg of standard coal.

The revised "printing and dyeing industry access conditions", not only further improve theprinting and dyeing industry access threshold, but also on the existing printing and dyeing enterprises of water consumption of concrete quantitative indexes are put forward.Therefore, the printing and dyeing enterprises should continue to increase the energy-saving emission reduction efforts, the energy-saving emission reduction as an important measure to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, through the energy saving and consumption reducing energy costs, increase product added value, improve the output value of unit energy consumption. At the same time, further the implementation of clean production process, reduce sewage discharge and pollutant emissions, to realize the transformation of printing and dyeing industry, pollution prevention from the end of treatment to the source of. Only in this way, can we achieve a win-win enterprise economic benefit and environmental benefit.

In the textile industry, printing and dyeing is the important link, is capital intensive and technology intensive industry. Energy saving and emission reduction is an important link to realize the industrial transformation and upgrading of the industrial upgrading, andultimately to be embodied in products. Make a first-class product is our efforts together in the future direction of, printing and dyeing Association and the printing and dyeing enterprises, do a good job of printing and dyeing industry product development andinnovation, improve the added value of products, are the way of independent research and development is the key to maintain long-term vitality of the printing and dyeing industry.

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Zhang Jingli
97 Yinhe Road, Southeast Development Zone, Changshu City
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