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Contact:Zhang Jingli
Add:97 Yinhe Road, Southeast Development Zone, Changshu City

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The transformation of "trio played"
Source:Suzhou Lewan Needle textile Co., Ltd         Release time:2018-05-02
In the Jining high tech Zone, talent union modern buildings are reflected in the sparkling blue lake in.
In the second best group will be sold to the fabric of Armani and other world luxury Brand Company, also acquired the Japanese first clothing brand. Picture for the sample exhibition hall.
The China Computer Research Institute of Jining branch of the scientific research personnel are working.
Reporter Dong Bijuan photo
More than 1/3 of the land below the Jining coal, is the national key planning and construction of coal energy base. Annual output of 90000000 tons of coal, the foundation of the industrial base, but also brought a large coal. During the "five eleven" period, the Jining coal industry realized profits and taxes accounted for more than 45% of the size of the industry, some places even reached 70%.
Industrial structure imbalances attracted "complications": coal mining subsidence per year to 4 million mu of speed, soaring; mining villages more than 10 million people were forced to move... These get rid of the distressed, so that the highest value of coal prices in Jining's heyday, decided to realize the economic transformation of innovation, shake off most of the resource-based cities, the mine is a long decline of the fate.
Traditional industries are not traditional
Jining local enterprises, such as the group of cotton species to Australia, the fabric sold to Armani and other world luxury Brand Company, but also acquired the Japanese first clothing brand. When the industry average net profit margin is less than 3%, the traditional textile fabrics enterprises net profit is more than 50%. This business miracle is relying on the powerful innovation system of the group.
Ruyi defying original innovation, devote themselves to explore can be one gram of wool pulled into a 500 meters of yarn, far more than 180 meters world record unique trick, in one fell swoop gains the National Prize for progress in science and technology; their unremitting research cooperation, not only with domestic famous cooperation, with Australia and the United Kingdom universities jointly built research center; they attach importance to the introduction of digestion, Germany, Italy, the world's most advanced textile equipment and operational management experience embrace into her arms. In this advanced "innovation loom", the industry chain of the group as the same as the wool, the more pull the longer.
Shandong Sun Paper Group 20 years ago is just a workshop type township enterprises, but with the help of international planning and innovation, become the leader in the domestic industry. Their side "Introduction", the establishment of strategic alliance with the world 500 strong American International Paper and so on, side of "going out" in the construction of Lao "Forest Pulp paper integration" project, and the Arkansas cooperation in the construction of fluff pulp project, after completion will break my country fluff pulp long-term according to Lai import situation.
When a large number of Jining in the traditional enterprises, using innovative blurred border of "traditional" and "emerging", Jining is planning the layout for the new definition of "coal city" become clearer -- that is from simple producing coal for coal chemical industry base. Jining planning the construction of six professional chemical industry park, focusing on stretching coking coal, coal gasification industry chain, the main high added value, low pollution fine and clean energy products, a substantial increase in the value-added ability of coal in situ conversion. Currently, Jining coke production capacity, tar processing capacity, benzene processing capacity and methanol production capacity are the first in the province, in the past, the simple transformation of the pattern of resource output.
In the transformation of traditional industries, Jining to do the full addition and subtraction". Jining Municipal Party Secretary Ma Pingchang, Jining while shutting down more than 220 enterprises backward production capacity of the production line, the elimination of shaft kiln cement 13 million tons, 22.6 million tons of paper-making, small thermal power 3.9 million kilowatts, increased efforts to eliminate backward production capacity; side started the 1351 "May industrial cultivation project, plan to 2015, machinery, chemical industry, medicine, food, textiles and clothing, such as six industry sales revenue of 10 billion yuan. At present, Jining has become the country's third major construction machinery manufacturing base, ten billion manufacturing enterprises have reached 8.
Emerging industries have the strength
"Resource processing is not an option, only short-term profits, there is no long life", with the firm idea, Runfeng Group Chairman Wang Bufeng to get rid of ease "coal boss" hat, all the way through the clutter, in Jining established embodied energy of photovoltaic power generation, new energy vehicles, lithium storage, green real estate industry new energy Empire, at one stroke to become private enterprises in China 500, global new energy enterprise 500 strong. By the end of the year, Runfeng of installed PV capacity will reach 2gw, lithium industry, annual production capacity of 2 million ah, plans to achieve sales revenue of 200 billion yuan, profits and taxes exceeded 10 billion yuan.
In addition to this emerging industry "big", many small amount of "invisible champion" have also emerged: Jining Lee Teuk nanotechnology Limited liability company with 3 years of time only built the graphene material green production line with the international advanced level, breaking the graphene industry in China was almost zero the state of the domestic market; immobilized enzyme Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Shandong Lukang record share 99%, resin products accounted for about 60% domestic market share, the product has passed Japan and the European Union official GMP certification; Shandong Taifeng Limited by Share Ltd two hydraulic cartridge valve, more than 70% share in the domestic machine industry market, a number of techniques to fill the domestic blank, import substitution.
Mayor of Jining City Mei Yonghong told reporters, in order to allow the development of emerging industries more stamina, Jining, on the one hand, actively build a platform for innovation, has built a production base of high and New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Lunan Coal Chemical Industry Research Institute, Lunan Engineering Technology Research Institute, Institute of computing the Jining Branch, Shandong Academy of science Jining Branch, such as research and development of high-end service platform; on the one hand, accelerate the construction of technology business incubator, encourage
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Zhang Jingli
97 Yinhe Road, Southeast Development Zone, Changshu City
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